Choosing a therapist is a very personal decision. Therapy is only as effective as the relationship between the therapist and client and because of this I believe the best way to determine if a therapist is right for you is to book a session and simply meet in person and to trust your instincts. Ask yourself: “Can I see myself feeling safe and comfortable with this person? Does it seem like they *get* me?” You can also ask yourself this question during and after an initial phone consultation before you book that first session.
Our first in-person meeting is what is known as an intake session. It’s different from a traditional therapy session because this will be a time for me to gather your case history, and together we’ll talk about why you have decided to pursue therapy and what your goals are for our time together. It’s also an opportunity for you to get to know me and to ask me any questions you may have. At the end of the session, we can decide together if it feels right to move forward in scheduling another session and beginning the rest of the therapeutic journey.
Yes! Online video counseling is as confidential and private as it possibly can be. I conduct online video counseling on a secure, password laptop here at my office using video conferencing software that is a trusted, HIPAA-compliant telemedicine solution and I also insist that our clients take their online video sessions in a closed, private room to ensure privacy. I do everything I can to comply with data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding your medical information.
The duration of therapy looks different for everyone. For some, six months following an acute stressor (such as a breakup or loss of a loved one) is adequate. For others looking to change deeply rooted patterns and belief systems, the process may take longer. You can trust that you and I will keep checking in throughout our work together to determine if it feels appropriate and timely to end therapy.
Appointment request can be submitted online through "Contact Me", "Book an Appointment" or "Request An Appointment". I can also be reached by phone at (615)-962-3181.
Clients have questions. I have answers. A comprehensive list of the most frequently asked questions are available, so everybody benefits from being informed.